POINTS: Name of school - location - surroundings - school building - open field - number of class rooms, students and teachers - library - sports and games - facilities - good academic record.
My school (SCHOOL NAME I.E. Burdwan C. M. S. high School) is a famous school in the district of (DISTRICT NAME I.E. Burdwan), West Bengal, India, standing by the side of (ROAD NAME I.E. B.C. Road). The
surroundings are also beautiful with flowering trees. The school
building is a three-storeyed building with spacious lawns on all sides.
It has many rooms and a well equipped laboratory for science classes. It
has also a big library. The school is divided into four categories: KG
Section, Primary,
Secondary, Higher Secondary, offering school education from KG1 to
Higher secondary(+2) to more than (NO OF STUDENTS I.E. 2000) students in the town and the
number of teacher is (NO OF TEACHER I.E. 47). The headmaster is an M.A. (Eng.), M.Phil, B.Ed
with good academic career. He is young, full of idealism and real love
for the profession. He is strict disciplinarian, but sweet-tempered and
kind-hearted. Most of the teachers and trained hands. They take great
care of our studies. Extracurricular activities like games and sports,
physical exercise, debating , music and drama are also arranged by the
school. Academic record of the school is also good. This year in the
Madhyamik examination, out of 90 students, 78 students passed in the
first division and rest of the second division. I am proud of my school.
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