Hello and Welcome! Let us learn something succeed with knowledge. Today we will learn what is the difference between hard skills and soft skills. So, We must put some effort to display these skills.


They are related to Specific technical knowledge & training that can be learned through Courses & on the job. There are expertise needed to perform a particular job. Hard skills can be quantified, measured & defined in some way. They are easy to recognize and mentioned in our resumes. Hard skills are important because they increase employee productivity & efficiency and subsequent improve employee satisfaction. These skills are gained through qualification and career. At times easy to grasp. 

Examples of Hard Skills :-

Business Analysis, Sales, Marketing, Artificial Intelligence, Scientific computing, Project management, Lean manufacturing, Writing skills, Automated billing system, Design skills, Foreign language skills, etc.



They are personality traits & abilities usually not taught but are rather the natural result of emotional intelligence and life experience. It is a way people interact with each other. Soft skills are also mostly transferable between jobs or industries. They are subjective skills that are much harder to quantify for this to be judged takes time can be assessed during an event interview or when on the job . It is hard to prove proficiency in a soft skill but they are necessary to create a positive and functional work environment. They are personal traits that shapes the way we work by self or with others at times we spend many months, years in developing a soft skill.

Examples of Soft Skills :-

Verbal and Non-verbal communication skills, Problem-Solving, Leadership skills, Time management, Interpersonal skills, Work ethics, Teamwork, adaptability, Conflict management, Empathy, Open-mindedness, Creativity etc.

Employers are increasingly looking for candidates with hybrid skills which are a combination of hard amp soft skills. 


While drafting your resume ensure to have a section of skills in which you should mention clearly all the various types of skills possessed by you to get it right ensure to deep  dive the "Job Description". This will broadly give you idea of employers expectations from the position. Accordingly you can tweak your resume a little. If you can mention your major achievements, certifications related to them in your profile it will be like a cherry on the cake.

How to highlight these skills during an interview process?

Ways to highlight Soft skills

 1. Reach before time. it reflects your punctuality and time management skills. 2. Keep your verbal communication and body language pleasing. 3. Highlight your determination and dedication when talking about job responsibilities. you can talk about 4. How you overcame hindrances along the way to success - Problem solving approach. or how you find solutions by addressing challenges that come up, this depicts your problem-solving approach. There are many times in which 5. we go out of the way to support others or do something beyond the call of duty. Try and narrate such incidents to the interviewer. 6. Use influencing skills along with your communication skills to impress the interviewer to hire you. 7. Talk on terms like budgeting, forecasting, monitoring-analysis etc to portray your forward thinking abilities. 8. Likewise there are many soft skills which can be displayed by you during & post interview. what you need is yo give deep thought, jot down everything in a piece of paper and take it to link your roles with each of it.

Way to highlight Hard skills

Tip 1. Brush it up a night before. All important definations, processes , system tools you use and work on daily. Tip 2. Visualize your daily work routine. live it virtually and make your notes on the same to miss out on any important performing element. Tip 3. Update your self with the latest technology in your stream. Tip 4. Prepare to be detailed, honest and zealous about your work. For correctly answer all technical interviews. Tip 5. Explain your experience and all Technical aspects of your job role. In a sound manner. Tip 6. Emphasize on any concrete achievements by you in your field due to your technical expertise.  Examples, it can be change in any process which has led to major cost stamp time  saving any environmental friendly projects successfully done appreciation from clients any new invention or value addition in the industry etc. Tip 7. You too ask technical question to interviewer.

Highlighting hard and soft skills in resume is not only important for experienced professionals but also for freshers. Because as you don't have work experience this is what you have to sell yourself on if you want to cover same topic for interns, freshers especially please give a shout in the comment.


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