Practice English Grammar helps you alot.


Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs given in the bracket -

1. Who ----------- he ------------- ( think ) he is ?

=> does he think

2. Look ! the train ------------( Come).

=> is coming

3. If you ------------( read) that book, you would have got more marks.

=> had read  (would is the past tense of will so, had is there).

4. Rudra ------------( play) guitar for half an hour.

=> has been playing  ( present perfect)

“She has been sitting in class since early this morning.


Change the narration of the following sentences -

5. " I have been waiting for you for an hour," complained John.

=> John complained that he had been waiting for you for an hour.

6. I said to him," Shall I help you ?"

=> I asked him if I should help him.

7. The teacher said, " Don't make a noise, boys."

=> The teacher forbade the boys to make a noise. 

With the word forbid, we can't use not as it itself is a negative word.

8. He said to me," For God's sake, save me."

=>  He begged me to save him for god's sake.


Change the voice of the following sentences -

9. The thief was caught red handed.

=>  The police caught the thief red handed.

10. He wants to buy a car.

=> He wants a car to be bought (by him).

11. Don't tease the animals.

=>  Let the animals not be teased.

12. My story interested him a lot.

=> He was interested a lot in my story.

Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners -

13. Tyson is a man of ----------words.

=> few

14. He shot him at --------- forehead.

=> the

15. Have you ever seen so ....... as that ? ( tall girl)

 => tall a girl

16. ----------more we have, ----------less we are satisfied.

=> The, the

Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate modals -

Learn of Modals

17. It is cloudy. It ----------rain soon.

=> may

18. Kinjal --------- sit at the station for hours, watching trains. ( past habit)

=> would / used to 

19. She -----------to have consulted the doctor.

=> ought

20. Go fast lest you -------------miss the train.

=> should

21. -----------that I ----------( Know ) him !

=> Would .. knew

22. He ------- help you now. ( should/must )

=> should

23. He -----------can't violate the rules of the school. ( should/ must )

=> must

Determiners -

24. Myself will help you.

I will help you.

25. He is ---------- European boy.

=>  a ( with the sound of ye always " a " article).





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